Friday, June 11, 2010

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Common sense is not so common......


I am not D BEST
                               BUT i am definitly NOT like the REST!!!!!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Converse ConverseConverseConverseConverseConverseConverseConverseConverseConverse

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Devil vs. Angel

Devil vs. Angel

In a place far away from reality,
There existed a land –a divine land,
Where nothing was ever meant to go wrong,
Where only the perfect of things would happen,
A place which was said to be a home to angels and fairies
A place where sunny days and silent nights prevailed,
Until that morning when the sun refused to show itself,
Following the day were sad thoughts and disturbing gestures,
And the worst of all-the arrival of the devil,
Everyone knew the unexpected was to be expected,
Except one little angel,
An angel in complete meaning and sense and even more,
An angel who loved and was loved,
An angel who was different from the other ones,
And the reason for her difference-come to know,
While all the others refused to continue,
This little angel carried on,
Without interfering much with the ambience,
She went along spreading love and doing all the good that could be done,
And never away was the devil in sway,
Ruining everything that came in its way,
As the night continued,
The devil and angel had become friends,
The angel so innocent and unknown,
Then placed her trust in that of the devil’s,
Soon the devil took leave and it was told to the little angel why the devil had been there,
Nothing more but this and only this hurt the angel,
And never again did she think she could trust anyone,
As days passed by and nights followed,
Time just flew by and soon the little lovely angel healed over everything that had happened,
All the angels and fairies were happy and once again things grew perfect in this divine land,
With the passage of time the devil was soon forgotten,
But the devil never gave up,
It came back again and again,
This time the angel’s mistake was her thought that the devil could have changed,
In turn the devil hurt the angel even more leaving it completely to time for the angel’s heart to heal,
Now, after everything,
The angel had finally realized and understood that,
Evil and good can never coexist,
N that evil can never love for it can only spread loss,
Sometimes things are never meant to change,
The fact is that realization through experience helps in better understanding and here it all was,
Time began to pass by…..n
Soon the angel was back to work- helping around, spreading love……
Meanwhile the devil came back even often,
Ruining everything that came in its way,
It tried to hurt the angel again and again but this time the angel was protected with god’s love,
And nobody could do anything to the angel,
This was something that all were to live with until eternity,
Soon it was known that this was god’s most favourite angel,
The most protected and loved one,
The unique one from that lot,
And the only reason-you now know why,
And since then,
Nothing ever went wrong in that divine land,
And the land experienced eternal bliss.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Quote's by.......

We should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality.  ~Albert Einstein
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